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A Voice in the Wilderness

"Until we are willing to be nothing, God can shape us very little, if any." (Chapter 4, Page 35)

"We must wait on Him so that he can lead the church, lead the body, and become the true Head of His believing followers."  (Chapter 17, Page 168)

Born in 1916 and having lived through the rest of the 1900s, Rev. Loran W. Helm, son of a Methodist minister, has been witness to the many ideas and programs of the church to try to bring it to a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ. He has also been witness to the church’s failure to come to consistent obedience to Christ through those programs and the energies of man. The key to the church’s failure? We have been trying to work out the kingdom of God in our own strength and by our own concepts, not realizing as Jesus has spoken, “Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up” (Matt. 15:13). The church has been trying to what God says without doing what He wants.

As Loran Helm made his own personal decision to live only for Christ, forsaking the world and its ways as well as the various means of the church to save itself, the Lord made it clear to him that unless we understand the very nature of man—his carnal, self-will—the church will be unable to live in a manner pleasing to God. Both individuals and the church must come to the end of themselves through obedience and self-denial (in response to God’s Word and His Spirit) and learn to live moment by moment in the presence of God.

“This book...has been created only at the direction of the Holy Spirit to be a Voice Crying in today’s Wilderness of religious thought and practice. It is a call away from the popular religious forms, away from the competing calls of denominational churches, away from the claims of all earthly ties. It is the same cry that has distinguished all of God’s servants through the centuries. It was the message of Jesus Himself: ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’” (Chapter 26, The Beginning, Page 289)

"This book has challenged me more in my Christian faith and walk than any other, save the Scriptures themselves. Each time I read it, I am brought to two recurring thoughts: the great need of my heart for more surrender to Jesus, and the encouraged to press on in my faith, knowing that Jesus will enable me to walk with Him in humility and great joy.” D.G.L. Kokomo, IN, USA

To Order Your Copy Contact:

Evangel Voice Missions, Inc. PO Box 482 Parker City, IN 47368 USA

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